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Fuente: Catálogo bibliográfico
Table of Contents: ';
“...Lectura, memoria e identidad en un texto de ficción: La misteriosa llama de la reina Loana /...”
Tipo de Material: Serial
Fuente: Catálogo bibliográfico
Table of Contents: ';
“...Nihilismo-en-línea: el futuro de la tecnología de la información visto por Soren Kierkegaard en...”
Tipo de Material: Serial
Salamanca-Aroca, Claudia, Sepúlveda-Bernales, Valeria Jimena
Published in: Educación y Ciudad (2024)
Published in: Educación y Ciudad (2024)
Fuente: Portal de revistas
“...Towards an Ecology of Knowledge for Interdisciplinary Teacher Education: Some Practical...”
Tipo de Material: Article
Arévalo Torres, Michael Andrés, Cruz Benavides, Karen Lorena, Gómez López, Mile Rocío, Luna Acevedo, Santiago Andrés, Malagón Lopéz, Brilly Mayerli, Rodríguez Peña, Jorge Iván, Tangarife Rodríguez, Johan Alexander, Toba Torres, Branm Estiven, Vargas, Nikol, Vidal Prada, Edwin Daniel, Villanueva, Laura Daniela, Tangarife Rodríguez, Silva Alexander, Vidal Prada, Edwin Daniel, Arévalo Torres, Michael Andrés, Cruz Benavides, Karen Lorena, Gómez López, Mile Rocío, Luna Acevedo, Santiago Andrés, Malagón Lopéz, Brilly Mayerli, Rodríguez Peña, Jorge Iván, Tangarife Rodríguez, Johan Alexander, Toba Torres, Branm Estiven, Vargas, Nikol, Vidal Prada, Edwin Daniel, Villanueva, Laura Daniela, Tangarife Rodríguez, Silva Alexander, Vidal Prada, Edwin Daniel, Díaz Cuadros, Juanna Alexandra, Fundación universitaria Cafam, Instituto para la Investigación Educativa y el Desarrollo Pedagógico IDEP, Gomez Cardona, Kelly Marsela
Other Authors:
Díaz Cuadros, Juanna Alexandra
Published: 2023
Published: 2023
Fuente: Repositorio digital
Table of Contents: ';
¡Se feliz! 21.
Fragmentos 25.
Someday finna find my time? 29.
Sin inseguridades 33.
¿Qué será de...”
Tipo de Material: Libro
Fuente: Catálogo bibliográfico
Tipo de Material: Journal
Fuente: Portal de revistas
“... makes us think that it must be managed in this way, which will happen for at least many more years, To...”
Tipo de Material: Article
Fuente: Portal de revistas
“... educational policies focused on improving the quality of education, are very ambitious without being...”
Tipo de Material: Article
Cárdenas-Forero, Óscar Leonardo, Benítez-Agudelo, María Liliana, Uribe-Garzón, Sonia Milena
Published in: Educación y Ciudad (2019)
Published in: Educación y Ciudad (2019)
Fuente: Portal de revistas
“... Environments in Classroom (AAA), to recognize and to make visible some singular ways of being teacher...”
Tipo de Material: Article
Fuente: Portal de revistas
“... countries. First of all, wewanted to review some of these experiences in order to trace aspects that allow...”
Tipo de Material: Article
Fuente: Portal de revistas
“... educational policies focused on improving the quality of education, are very ambitious without being...”
Tipo de Material: Article
Fuente: Portal de revistas
“... childhood that can be lost if the teacher does not use appropriate pedagogical and methodological strategies...”
Tipo de Material: Article
Fuente: Portal de revistas
“... childhood that can be lost if the teacher does not use appropriate pedagogical and methodological strategies...”
Tipo de Material: Article
Fuente: Portal de revistas
“... mathematical learning is addressed; later, other ways of perceiving learning and knowledge will be exposed...”
Tipo de Material: Article
Fuente: Portal de revistas
“... describes different types of research that can be used in the classroom and that support students and...”
Tipo de Material: Article
Fuente: Portal de revistas
“... problematized some of the control mechanisms that affect the role of the teacher. Thus, it is inquired about the...”
Tipo de Material: Article
Fuente: Portal de revistas
“... educational system and on how the teacher’s relations with the school environment validates some beliefs that...”
Tipo de Material: Article
Cárdenas-Forero, Óscar Leonardo, Benítez-Agudelo, María Liliana, Uribe-Garzón, Sonia Milena
Published in: Educación y Ciudad (2019)
Published in: Educación y Ciudad (2019)
Fuente: Portal de revistas
“... Environments in Classroom (AAA), to recognize and to make visible some singular ways of being teacher...”
Tipo de Material: Article
Los retos de las innovaciones educativas hoy: Los docentes, las escuelas y los centros de innovación
Fuente: Portal de revistas
“... reflection is proposed in which some facts that show such a crisis in Latin America and particularly in...”
Tipo de Material: Article
Flórez Rojano, Iván Darío, Céspedes Guevara, Nelly Yolanda
Published in: Educación y Ciudad (2019)
Published in: Educación y Ciudad (2019)
Fuente: Portal de revistas
“... guidelines for the area. It formulates, as a proposal, some fields of reflection around the scenarios of the...”
Tipo de Material: Article
Fuente: Portal de revistas
“... intended to identify interventions generated in some public schools of the Initial Level of the City of...”
Tipo de Material: Article