Fuente: Portal de revistas
“... Bogotá, SED, con el fin de prestar un mejor servicio a la comunidad educativa. En aras de lo anterior, es...”
Tipo de Material: Article
Fuente: Portal de revistas
“... affect its work performance. At the same time, a methodological proposal is presented based on the...”
Tipo de Material: Article
Procesos y mecanismos epigenéticos educativos. Una apuesta de conexión y trasnformación ecosistémica
Fuente: Portal de revistas
“... teacher and its multidimensional relationship with the school are addressed. At the same time, an...”
Tipo de Material: Article
Fuente: Portal de revistas
“... teachers' houses that have been initiatives of the same guild in a large part of the Latin American...”
Tipo de Material: Article
Other Authors:
Instituto para la Investigación Educativa y el Desarrollo Pedagógico IDEP
Rojas Garcia, Luis Ignacio
Pulido Chaves, Omar Orlando
Rosero Navarrete, Julían Davíd
Torres Vargas, Gabriel Antonio
Vargas Álvarez, Lina María
Vargas Hernández, Miguel Ángel
Vives Hurtado, Martha Patricia
Palacio Castañeda, Jorge Alberto
Published: 2017
Published: 2017
Fuente: Catálogo bibliográfico
Tipo de Material: Book
Fuente: Portal de revistas
“... teachers' houses that have been initiatives of the same guild in a large part of the Latin American...”
Tipo de Material: Article
Fuente: Portal de revistas
“... mundo educativo. This document introduces the experience from the student research seedbed named...”
Tipo de Material: Article
Barreto-Mantilla, Yuly Maritza, Cuenca-Camacho, Francisco Ernesto, Díaz-Caldas, María Paula, Cruz-Díaz, José Alejandro
Published in: Educación y Ciudad (2024)
Published in: Educación y Ciudad (2024)
Fuente: Portal de revistas
“... would be to act as a conflict mediator; all this through the implementation of a toolbox as a key...”
Tipo de Material: Article
Vélez de la Calle, Claudia del Pilar, Santamaría-Vargas, Juliana del Pilar
Published in: Educación y Ciudad (2023)
Published in: Educación y Ciudad (2023)
Fuente: Portal de revistas
“... can be concluded that there are shortcomings in teacher training regarding issues related to sexuality...”
Tipo de Material: Article
Fuente: Portal de revistas
“... skills, their values and their passion for what they do. In the same way, they considered that it is...”
Tipo de Material: Article